Monday, April 03, 2006

Emerging from the Chrysalis of winter... 2006

As better weather was more of a promise than a reality, we began emerging from our chrysalis state in preparation....

..for special occasions, special people and new energy. It felt like a rite of passage, and here Nigel Osborne, returns to Mostar after two years of absence, and we know for sure that things are only going to get better..

How inspiring is it to see someone truly at peace in the sun... Meet Tina from Dorset.

A party mood these two were in....

A patch of river in front of the home where we were having a barbeque is swollen way above normal. Next door to is 'my' potato patch riverfront property at 18Km for 1000sq metres...

This day in late March was the perfect day to climb to Hercog's castle and take in the view of the Blagaj - where soon we would be descending to a barbeque - some pictures of which are above.

What a treat - Teo and Nigel lead the Sevda singing at my place.... love the way people just sing - because they love to sing and because Sevda is in their soul.  You can feel the heaviness, and yet, in a moment of strange spontaneity, there is suddenly music, laughter and all the clouds simply vanish. I love this combustible, uncomplicated joy that bubbles every ready beneath the surface.

Always a happening when Tina or Ian arrive into town.  Here we are set up in the PMC with a lot of food - and wine  - of course.

I love the Adriatic - who can help it - but this was a spontaneous dash (in a Lancia) to the coast on the last Sunday in March - the day after the barbeque.  Geert-Jan, Alma and Michael  zenning on the rocks.  Nice - very, very nice.

1 comment:

Randall said...

Very Nice blog..;)
Love your pictures..:)